Week 3


There will be times through our journey together that you might feel off track, or behind.  Please know that you are NEVER behind, because this is your journey.  But when you do feel stuck, need a reminder or don’t know where to begin again, please remember that you can (and should) always go back to the basics.  Here is a handy checklist you can use during and after our journey together in Unburden.

Habit Tracker

These are the foundational habits we work through in Unburden.  At the end of the night, gift yourself a few moments to reflect on your day.  If you know you can answer a YES to these questions, add a checkmark.  If the answer is NO, simply leave it blank.   

Remember to practice Observation without Judgment, at the end of the week you will have a visual representation of where you could invest more energy, and area’s that you are are prioritizing. 

You can download the tracker as a printable PDF or a digital form PDF.

Printable PDF

Digital Form

If you have any questions, pop them into our facebook group or email support@laurabourne.com

*We ask that you do not share your log-in information with anyone or share your membership – Thank you!

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