Unburden - By Laura Bourne Wellness

A 4-week small group coaching experience for the busy woman ready to repair her relationship with stress and focus on the root cause of her issues, and get back to feeling like herself again.

Join the waitlist for info on when we’ll be holding our next session.

Gold Dots

Do any of these feel


  • You want change, but don’t know where to start…or even what to start with. You crave support and momentum to help define your goals and clarify your actions.
  • You are stressed. You feel it everywhere in your body. There just aren’t enough hours in the day to take care of all of your responsibilities AND take care of yourself.
  • You are addicted to being “busy”. Having a full schedule and a million balls in the air is part of your identity…and you don’t know how to slow down.
  • People in your life keep telling you to ”reduce” stress and wind down.
  • You are pulled in so many different directions between work, home, childcare.
  • You are always starting new programs or new supplements, but you never manage to finish any of them.
  • You have tried meditating and different apps, but you end up feeling agitated, and like you are not doing it correctly.
  • You are experiencing problems with digestion, headaches, and sleep issues. You are scared that stress is killing you.

Imagine a healthier you. One with renewed energy, increased focus, and a healthier gut. The momentum to envision – and achieve – your goals. The ability to set boundaries and take care of yourself. Get started by joining Unburden.


Unburden - By Laura Bourne Wellness

Unburden courses are designed to give you a deeper understanding of your stress symptoms, why they show up the way they do, the ways you self-sabotage your own healing, and a personalized game plan for moving forward.

Let’s get you back to feeling like yourself again. 

Unburden programs cover

  • How your imbalanced nervous system is causing you to gain weight.
  • How your daily habits and stressors are affecting your hormones and thyroid – contributing to your bloating, pms, painful periods and dramatic mood swings.
  • Why you feel “tired but wired” every night when you put your head on the pillow.
  • How to use feminine and masculine energies to minimize the stress cycle.
  • Why you have a second wind at 10:00 pm.
  • How to create and flex your “boundary” muscles with written scripts of what to say, how to say it.
  • Establishing boundaries in the workplace — how to graciously say “no” and not get fired.
  • Prioritizing pleasure — prompts to help you define you own pleasure practices and integrate them into your routine.
  • What adaptogenic herbs and supplements you should welcome into your home today — what, how and when to use them to support your nervous system.
  • Asking for help — you cannot do it alone; exploration and deep dive of where you need support and scripts of exactly how to ask for support.
  • How to design your life in a way that enhances the quality of your life and supports your health.

What’s inside?

Coaching Calls

4 weeks of coaching calls with Laura, intimate and small group with space for questions.

Easy to Follow Modules

Notes, journaling and reflection exercises suited to a variety of learning styles.

Digital Lessons

On demand “bite-sized” digital lessons — delivered with Laura’s signature sense of humour, analogies and stories to help anchor the lesson.

Members Portal

Private members only portal with playlists. checklists, templates, trackers, guides, recipes, meal plan ideas, and supplement suggestions. Everything is downloadable for you to save to your own device. Access to all recordings for 2 years.


Support and encouragement in a shared space with other women sharing your journey.

Featured Guests

Different featured guests sharing their expertise on everything from meal prep to sleep cycles to simplifying your life.
(Guests vary with each Unburden session)

Video Calls

Coaching Calls

4 weeks of coaching calls with Laura, intimate and small group with space for questions.


Easy to Follow Modules

Notes, journaling and reflection exercises suited to a variety of learning styles.
Digital Lessons

Digital Lessons

On demand “bite-sized” digital lessons — delivered with Laura’s signature sense of humour, analogies and stories to help anchor the lesson.

Members Portal

Members Portal

Private members only portal with playlists. checklists, templates, trackers, guides, recipes, meal plan ideas, and supplement suggestions. Everything is downloadable for you to save to your own device. Access to all recordings for 2 years.



Support and encouragement in a shared space with other women sharing your journey.

Featured Guests

Featured Guests

Different featured guests sharing their expertise on everything from meal prep to sleep cycles to simplifying your life.
(Guests vary with each Unburden session)

What other successful, powerhouse women have said

I really appreciated the safety I found in how Laura facilitated our meetings. I liked the predictability of the format (starting each session the same way with the candle, oils, and body scan), and the feeling of community that was created through laughter, openness, and vulnerability

– R.W.

Laura coaches and leads with honesty and authenticity, it’s so awesome, and the world could seriously use a LOT more of that! The guiding, reflection and coaching questions forces you (in the most loving way lol) to self reflect and apply all you learn to yourSELF rather than generalize.

Oh my gosh! If you’re thinking of taking a program, consider yourself a worthy investment and go with Laura’s Unburden Program, It’s name says it all as to how you will feel at the end of it! What you ‘let go’ of as you learn will be replaced with a deeper understanding of yourself and a much more solid personal foundation.

– K.S.

I felt safe and supported by not only Laura, but the whole group. The atmosphere of the program was inviting and warm. Tuesday evening came with excitement, curiosity, and a desire to learn more and soak up the information that was being shared.

– Sarah C

I’’m so happy I invested in my mental health and joined unburden. Laura provides a safe space and great tools to help you manage your stress a little better every day. She helped me realize that managing stress is a journey and it’s in my power to choose the tools and strategies provided in Unburden as I go through this thing called life.

– Sherri

Laura is a breath of fresh air. She’s so knowledgeable and explains things in a way that are no only easy to understand but with a lot of humor. If you’re looking for a program to learn how to manage your stress and support your nervous system this is the one.

– Krista C.

Highly, highly recommend this program. Laura has a way of teaching others. Her knowledge, energy, and sense of humour make it easy to relate to what you are learning. Throughout the program, she holds a sacred space as she guides you, provides insight and helps you work through any barriers. You receive an incredible workbook and several printable resources that you will love. I believe everyone will walk away with so much from this program.

– Hilary

I am so grateful to Laura and this program! I was very unsure about enrolling, thinking the last thing I needed in my stressful life was more accountability. I’m so glad I did – turns out I needed a little more accountability to myself and a little less to others. Unburden has provided me some great insights tools that I will be able to use for life – and it was fun!

– Robin

Before taking this course I was buckling under the stress of life and balancing home, work, and myself. This program taught me the strategies I needed to find a new rhythm, and how, when and why to use them. It helped me to recognize and address the areas of stress in my life caused by physical, emotional and social triggers and gave tangible & sustainable habits and practices that have improved my feeling of mental health. Laura understands the stressors I face as a professional, a mother, a wife and a human, and educates and supports in a compassionate way that is fun and entertaining but also inspiring and realistic.

– Deann

It was surreal working with Laura! She is kind and knowledgeable in so many areas!! She is also a great role model! The workbook is amazing and has so many strategies that I can use for always. The website is easy to navigate and contains so much information!

– Shelley

Unburden has been life changing. It truly caused me to reflect on why I was feeling the way that I did, and what I could do about it. Change can be scary and intimidating, but the program was so flexible with successes you could win right away and the community was so supportive and welcoming – I looked forward to the virtual sessions every week.

– Natalie

Laura has created a program that is really fun and provides many insightful tips on managing your overall approach to life that creates a world where you are in control and really enjoying and embracing life and still managing the stress that life throws at you.

– Janice

At a time in my life where I was feeling greatly impacted by a lot of different stressors, Laura Bourne and the Unburden program was exactly what I needed. Laura has such a gift of not only breaking down the ‘why’ when it comes to stress, but the HOW. Through the Unburden program, Laura provided the tools, resources, guidance and coaching to help me better understand my own stress cycle and gain clarity on the shifts and actionable steps I can take to support my body best. Laura’s approach to coaching and teaching is so refreshing; from every coaching call to each resource she creates her passion to lead and support shines through.

– Laura H.

Gold Dots

Frequently Asked Questions

Why would I choose group coaching? I’m not a fan.

I understand that group coaching can feel overwhelming. But during my 1:1 coaching I discovered that women repeatedly had the same questions, struggles and questions around stress, sleep, boundaries and self care.

As a result, going forward, I am exclusively offering 1:1 coaching to clients who have attended at least one Unburden session. This allows you to dip your toes into my coaching approach before investing in an expensive 1:1 experience.

For centuries women have gathered in community to support, educate, and hold space for one another. Group coaching with the right facilitator can bring us back to the simplicity and power of gathering as a collective.

The power of group coaching is that we see ourselves in one another, and when we see other participants changing, evolving, declaring boundaries and rewriting her stress story – it gives us permission to do it ourselves.

While I don’t offer refunds, I understand that life happens. Should you be unable to attend a session of Unburden, reach out to me. We’ll arrange for you to participate in a future Unburden session, or find another way to support your health journey.
Unburden is now an online course, and with that comes the possibility you may need to print some material. With each session, we’ll work to make material digital, helping you reduce printing…and be more eco-friendly. Of course you’re welcome to print it all if that’s your preferred way to learn and absorb material.

I understand, and I feel the same way. This is why I intentionally keep the group small,so you won’t get lost in the shuffle and you can’t hide. I take the time to learn everyone’s name, and quite a few details of your stress story before the program even begins.

Following Unburden, if you desire additional coaching & accountability, consider 1:1 coaching to continue the momentum of positive shifts. 1:1 coaching is offered exclusively to Unburden graduates.


I will be recommending anything I think could elevate your health from supplements to weighted blankets — it’s all fair game.

Nothing is mandatory, but when I make a recommendation it’s for good reason. You do not need to do everything at once, but instead take it as an invitation to upgrade certain tools, foods, and ingredients in your daily routine.

You’ve got plenty of time following Unburden to slowly add to your toolbox, there is no rush. Health is not a race, and I want you to learn how to support your nervous system and health with intentional, slow and focussed lifestyle upgrades.


Absolutely! All of the resources – recipes, tips, ideas, affirmations, playlists and cheat sheets – are yours to keep and download for future reference.


Maybe, maybe not. Weight loss is not the focus on the program. Chances are as your body begins to feel safe again, and you start understanding how you can better listen to the whispers in your body, you may reduce some inflammation and weight.


No, I don’t think you should. If you know right now that you cannot attend more than 50% of the sessions live, then I would recommend you DO NOT sign up. 

Don’t worry — Unburden will be offered again. If you’re on the waitlist, you’ll be the first to get the details.

If it causes stress that you can’t attend live, then we would encourage you NOT to sign up. The focus is to learn how to support your body, and repair your relationship with stress – not to invite any more stress in. Yes, everything is recorded, but there is magic in meeting in person and an energy that is palpable.


Yes, you will have access to all replays, but I HIGHLY encourage you to make every effort to show up live. Given your busy schedule, you and I both know that you need the accountability and personalized feedback!

Cameras off or on, whatever works for you. Grab a cozy mug of tea or an elixir, and let me guide you and support you in a new way. If you can’t make it live, just make a promise to yourself that you will watch the recording within 2 days. We move through the curriculum as a group, and each week we build upon new concepts and dismantle old habits, beliefs and patterns.


I work with ALL humans in my 1:1 coaching.

That said, Unburden is designed specifically for humans that identify as a woman.

If you have any questions, let’s talk! I am here to help humans feel better. Fill out the contact form at the bottom of my homepage, and I will get in touch with you!

It’s time to break the cycle


Reclaim your stress story and stop sacrificing your health to get everything done for everyone else.

It’s time for you.


It’s time to break the cycle

Reclaim your stress story and stop sacrificing your health to get everything done for everyone else.

It’s time for you.